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The Kentucky Derby Is Getting PredictableFiveThirtyEight
The Kentucky Derby should benearly impossible to handicap.
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Stream Logic's New Album, 'Everybody'NPR
Logic's third album on Def Jam Recordsis finally here.
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The Forgotten History of Cinco de Mayo: It's Not AboutBeer, It's About Rich ...The Intercept
Today is Cinco de Mayo, May 5. To thedegree most Americans think about it all,
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
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Weekend Box Office: 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' Rocketing to$140M-$150M U.S. BowHollywood Reporter
The superhero sequel — which has alreadygrossed $167 million overseas
Prince Philip
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For Frenzied News Media, an Anticlimax: Prince Philip IsRetiringNew York Times
Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth IIin Irelandin 2011.
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